Attention BOC Pedorthists!
PFA Now Accepting Nominations for Board of Directors
The Pedorthic Footcare Association is looking for pedorthic professionals that want a chance to make their voice heard and to effect change for the betterment of the pedorthic profession. If you are one of those individuals or know someone who is passionate about pedorthics, please consider joining the PFA Board of Directors.
In accordance with its by-laws, the PFA’s Nomination Committee is seeking PFA members who are credentialed pedorthists
– C. Peds., BOC Pedorthists, C. Ped. (C)s or L. Peds. – to serve on its Board of Directors, with a term beginning on Nov. 9, 2011 and ending in November 2013.
Any PFA voting member in good standing may place names, including their own, into nomination via a written petition, and any regular C. Ped., BOC Pedorthist, C. Ped. (C) or L. Ped. member in good standing is eligible for nomination.
Official written petitions consist of a statement of nomination including the nominee’s name, address, company, phone number and e-mail address, accompanied by the signatures of at least five PFA regular members in good standing who endorse the nominee(s).
Click here to download a written petition.
Nominations not meeting the above-stated criteria are automatically disqualified.
Return written petitions via mail to Brian K. Lagana, executive director,
Pedorthic Footcare Association, 2025 M St., N.W., Ste. 800, Washington, DC 20036. Petitions may be faxed to PFA at 202-367-2145. The deadline for submission of formal written petitions is July 22, 2011.