We encourage our BOC-certified practitioners to participate in the O&P Edge Salary Survey 2013 and spread the word to colleagues. The recently sent the following message:
The O&P EDGE has launched its 2013 Salary Survey for orthotic, prosthetic, pedorthic, and post-mastectomy professionals who work in the United States. The survey is open from April 16 through June 9, 2013. To access the survey, please visit http://s.zoomerang.com/s/opedge-salarysurvey
Results of the survey will be published in a future issue of The O&P EDGE. All respondents who complete the survey and provide an e-mail address will be entered into a drawing for a free Kindle Fire HD, valued at $199. Respondent information and e-mail addresses will not be linked. All responses to The O&P EDGE Salary Survey will be anonymous.