O&P News magazine has announced the inaugural members of an “elite list” that includes many BOC certificants, Board members, and executives — the O&P News 175, “leading innovators in the field of orthotics and prosthetics.”
Members of the O&P News 175 will be invited to participate in polls to guide editorial content for the publication. Additionally, O&P News will consult these innovators for story ideas and expert perspectives pertaining to the magazine’s editorial content.
Congratulations to…
BOC-Certified Practitioners:
Brooke Artesi, BOCO1, CMF2
Ian Fothergill, BOCP3
Steve Hill, BOCO
Justina S. Shipley, BOCP
Rhonda F. Turner, PhD, MBA, JD, BOCO, BOCP, CMF
The BOC Board’s Executive Committee:
Jeffrey Hedges, CDME4 (Vice-Chair)
James L. Hewlett, BOCO (Chair)
John Kenney, MURP, BOCO (Immediate Past Chair)
James Newberry, BOCO, BOCP, BOCPD5 (Treasurer)
William Powers, MBA, LFACHE6 (Member-at-Large)
Bradley Watson, BOCO, BOCP (Secretary)
BOC Staff:
Wendy Miller, BOCO, CDME (Chief Credentialing Officer)
Claudia Zacharias, MBA, CAE (President & CEO)
This announcement appeared in the Fall 2015 issue of O&P News and the list of names was on display at the O&P News exhibit booth at the 2015 AOPA National Assembly in San Antonio, Texas.
Claudia Zacharias, MBA, CAE, President & CEO of BOC, commented, “I’m honored to be named to the O&P News 175 and proud of my colleagues and the BOC certificants who also were recognized. BOC actively pursues innovative ways to contribute to the O&P profession, so this recognition is especially meaningful.”
Congratulations to all inaugural members of the O&P News 175!
1. BOCO®: Orthotist, BOC-Certified™
2. CMF®: Certified Mastectomy Fitter™
3. BOCP®: Prosthetist, BOC-Certified™
4. CDME™: Certified Durable Medical Equipment Specialist™
5. BOCPD™: BOC Pedorthist™
6. LFACHE: Lifetime Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives