CMS-Deemed Accreditation
DMEPOS Certification

Board of Certification/Accreditation

CMS-Deemed Accreditation
DMEPOS Certification

BOC Announces 2018 Newberry Award Recipient

The Board of Certification/Accreditation (BOC) is pleased to announce James “Jim” L. Hewlett, BOCO as the 2018 recipient of the Jim Newberry Award for Extraordinary Service. Hewlett was nominated by Newberry’s widow, Lynne, who describes Hewlett as “one of the most qualified, generous and patient teachers I ever have been blessed to observe.”

A past member, secretary, vice chairman and chairman of BOC’s board of directors, Hewlett played a key role in developing BOC’s original accreditation standards and worked as a subject matter expert for certification exam development. Serving as an accreditation site surveyor for the past decade, he remains an integral part of BOC’s team of survey professionals.

An educator and dedicated mentor, thousands of professionals have benefited from Hewlett’s guidance over the course of his 30-year career in orthotics and prosthetics. His work as a certified orthotist includes managing a Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics and Supplies (DMEPOS) facility for RX Positive Medical and Orthotics and working as the director of operations for the Healthcare Independent Business Alliance in Arizona. In 2009, Hewlett founded Consultants PRN, Incorporated (, where he continues to serve as a national resource as an author, educator and consultant for compliance, HIPAA, ethics and billing.

“Like Jim Newberry, Jim Hewlett has and continues to work tirelessly in support of BOC, its programs, certificants and stakeholders,” says inaugural Newberry Award recipient Harry “J.R.” Brandt, BOCO, CO, LO. “He is always making himself available to assist in any capacity needed.”

 In addition to the countless hours dedicated to BOC and the O&P profession, Hewlett served as a member of the Fort Yuma Rotary for more than 30 years, earning the honor of the World Award “Service Above Self” in 2010-2011 as a result of his humanitarian work. Alongside a team of Rotary service members, Hewlett helped more than 4,000 patients in need in Guatemala, spent time working in an orphanage in San Luis, Sonora, Mexico and completed several other projects to enhance the quality of life for abused and abandoned children.

“What a tremendous honor it is to work alongside Jim [Hewlett]’s giving spirit at BOC,” says BOC Board Chair, Wayne R. Rosen, BOCP, BOCO, LPO, CDME, FAAOP. “This award truly reflects his passion and commitment to BOC and the O&P profession.”

The Jim Newberry Award for Extraordinary Service is named in honor of longtime BOC practitioner, board member and leader James Newberry, Jr., BOCP, BOCO, BOCPD, who passed away in 2016. The award recognizes outstanding individuals who perform extraordinary service to BOC, the community of stakeholders BOC serves and those who live out the superior example modeled by Newberry during his more than four decades in the field of orthotics and prosthetics.

In addition to an upcoming celebration event, BOC will commemorate Hewlett on the Jim Newberry Award web page and on signage to be displayed at BOC headquarters in Owings Mills, Maryland.

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