CMS-Deemed Accreditation
DMEPOS Certification

Board of Certification/Accreditation

CMS-Deemed Accreditation
DMEPOS Certification

Update Your Information – Accreditation

Be sure to keep your information current! It’s important that you notify the Board of Certification/Accreditation (BOC) of changes and update your information at least annually.

It’s easy to make any of the following updates for your business by logging in to MyBOC. Need help? Contact us.


Use the Relocation Application and send it to BOC with the required documentation and payment. To verify that your new location meets all applicable standards, BOC will send a site surveyor to your new location.
Relocation >


Use the Facility Name Change Application and send it to BOC with the required documentation and payment.
Name Change >

Product Categories

Use the Addition of Product Categories Application and indicate the categories you would like to add. Certain product categories will require additional documentation. Additional survey or administrative fees may apply. 

Add Product Categories >       DMEPOS Product Category List  



If your BOC-accredited business experiences any of these changes, you’ll need to submit the appropriate application, and *an additional site survey may be necessary.

*Please note that the site survey can occur at any point during the accreditation period. Your business may experience delays and/or additional fees if any discrepancies are noted during the site survey.

If your change affects the information you provided to Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Service (CMS) on your Provider Enrollment Application (855S), you are responsible for submitting an updated form to CMS within 30 days of the effective date of change. Applicable changes are listed on the application under “Who Should Submit This Application.”

Have Questions? We Have Answers!

We are ready to welcome you to BOC!