BOC recently added features for accredited facilities through MyBOC, your facility’s very own online web portal. Among the new features is the ability to apply for accreditation or reaccreditation online.
Why apply online? It’s convenient. You can apply quickly and easily, anytime, from the comfort of your home or office. There’s no additional fee or postage, and you’ll receive confirmation that BOC has received your application immediately.
Once you’ve logged in to your facility’s account with your supplier number and password, you can provide required information, including practice hours, owners & officers, product categories, and practitioners (if necessary). In the next email we’ll tell you how you can update your facility’s information as it changed during your accreditation cycle. Here’s what you’ll see once you log in:
At the end, you will be prompted to provide payment information, a low, all-inclusive, 3-year cost of $4,299!
Have questions about applying online? Email or call 877.776.2200.